Electrostimulation to build muscle: how does it work?

If electrostimulation is nothing new, this muscle stimulation method attracts more and more. In recent years, this alternative to fitness exercises has gained many fans. So much so that dedicated gyms are popping up all over major cities around the world. Far from the teleshopping shows that we watched before, electrostimulation has had a makeover and is today one of the most trendy practices. But is it really effective for shaping your muscles? How should it be used? We tell you everything.

What is electrostimulation?

Electrostimulation, or EMS (i.e. Electro-Myo-Stimulation) stimulates the muscles with an electric current. More precisely, this technique reproduces the process of contraction and relaxation of the muscle. Instead of the natural phenomenon, it is therefore an electrical impulse which intervenes to contract the muscle.

In terms of hardware, the electro-stimulator devices come in several forms. To sculpt your abs, the most practical thing is to opt for abdominal belts. If you are targeting more targeted areas such as your buttocks or thighs, you should choose electrodes to build muscle. Through these contractions, electrostimulation promises to make the muscle work and therefore… shape it.

Today, there are much more effective methods that allow you to work all of the body’s muscles. In gyms, guided by specialized coaches, you put on a tight-fitting suit covered with electrodes placed in the right place. We then start a more or less classic sports training, during which the effort phases consist of making a movement while the electrodes work our muscles even more. L’EMS is effective for most muscle groups like arms, back, glutes, thighs, abs and chest.

Is electrostimulation alone enough to build muscle?

The advantage of these electrodes is that they allow you to reach muscles that are difficult to access with traditional fitness exercises (the rectus abdominis and transversus abdominis, for example). During a guided EMS session, this will allow you to build even deeper muscles and intensify your exercises without making any additional effort. However, that doesn’t mean that you just need to lay on the couch covered in electrodes to get a goddess body!

Building muscle without moving an iota, let it be said, is wishful thinking. For build muscle with electrostimulation, it must be used in addition to sports training. You will therefore have to opt for regular EMS sessions or alternate with more traditional sports sessions.

How to use EMS to build muscle?

For use electrostimulation correctlywe turned to certified coach and fitness blogger Lucile Woodward, who uses electrostimulation both to build muscle and to relax her muscles after a workout.

The technique according to Lucile Woodward is to place the electrodes on the areas you want to target and then do the same fitness exercises as usual. For electrostimulation to be effective, it is not enough to place the electrodes, but to place them while moving, ideally twice a week. Let’s explain. To strengthen your buttocks in depth, for example, you place the electrodes on your buttocks, then you carry out a classic session of squats, pelvis raises or leg raises. Electrostimulation then makes it possible to give a higher intensity to the muscle strengthening exercise.

All our dreams of effortless bodybuilding fall by the wayside, then? More or less. “Electrostimulation alone can still stimulate the muscles, but it is less effective. The muscle fibers are less stressed,” explains Lucile Woodward. Another important thing to know: when using electrostimulation without doing sport at the same time, the sensation is much more painful (remember, these are still electric shocks). This excuse should be enough to make you want to opt for EMS sessions guided by coaches and put on your wetsuit with desire!

How long does an EMS session last?

The duration of an electrostimulation session depends on several factors: the level of experience, the intensity of the program and the area(s) to be treated. So a session can very well last from 10 minutes to 2 hours. However, you should keep in mind that you should not stimulate a muscle with the electrostimulation technique for more than 80 minutes in a row. Again, this method may be gentle but still invasive to the muscle.

Can we lose weight thanks toelectrostimulation?

Don’t put all your hopes onelectrostimulation to burn calories and lose weight. Electrostimulation allows you to shape up, look more toned, sculpt muscles, but not burn fat in itself.

Here you are using and seeing effects before/after electrostimulation ? To lose weight, there is no secret, as Lucile Woodward reminds us: “Losing weight means above all adopting a more balanced diet and doing cardio two to three times a week for at least 45 minutes. Only then can you work your muscles with electrostimulation, for more results.”

Contraindications to electrostimulation

Electrostimulation is contraindicated in certain cases. It is not recommended for:

  • Pregnant women
  • People with cancer
  • People with epilepsy
  • People with heart problems
  • People equipped with electronic devices such as a pacemaker

In any case, before you start, be sure to seek the advice of a health professional. You can also start in specialized gyms and then invest in electric fitness equipment.

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